该播放来源收集于 11资源
该播放来源收集于 11资源M3U8



State Like Sleep is a film about the basic need for human connection and love. The title refers not only to a doctors inadequate yet poetic description of what its like to be in a coma, but also to the psychological state one can enter when dealing with trauma; emotionally closed off but acutely conscious, a blank exterior housing a rich interior life. The story enables this surreal state by pairing spiritual damage with awkward humor, thrill with mystery, and sexual spectacle with the sublime. State Like Sleep finds love and hope in unexpected places as it travels through the ups and downs of mourning and loss.

《如眠国度》是人人美剧_美剧下载_天天美剧_美剧天堂 - 爱美剧(www.mjjff.com)从11资源、11资源M3U8、收集而来,并让大家可以在第一时间在线观看。这部剧上映年代是2018,是由卢克·伊万斯,凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿,迈克尔·珊农,米契尔·哈思曼,玛丽·凯·普莱斯,波·马婷,蕾切尔·威尔森,马克·奥布莱恩,卡尔洛·罗塔,埃莱娜·卡多纳,George,伊恩·马休斯,金伯利·拉费里埃,朱莉·卡纳等人领衔主演的一部剧情片。人人美剧_美剧下载_天天美剧_美剧天堂 - 爱美剧不参与该剧的任何录制和上传,所有《如眠国度》在线观看的资源均由收集于互联网,您的分享是对我们最大的支持!
